
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

12 Tips to Get a Good Byondlicious Sleep

1. Determine the number of hours you need to feel rested. Don't worry if you don't fit into the "norm" of eight hours. A good guildeline to start with is how many hours you sleep when you "sleep in" on the weekends.

2.Calculate a bedtime that will allow you to get this many hours and wake up at a reasonable hour (for example, when you need to get ready for work).

3.. The first day, wake yourself at the time you would like to be your usual waking time, whether you are rested or not. You may need help from a friend, relative or alarm clock the first few days.

4. Throughout  the day, resist the urge for a nap.

5.. Limit your intake of caffeine. Do not consume any caffeine after mid-afternoon. Its effects can take hours to wear off. You will eventually find that you are getting enough rest and don't need an extra boost in the morning to wake up.

6. A couple of hours before bedtime, begin to allow yourself to wind down. A regular evening ritual can help you relax and will signal your body that it's time to rest.

7. If you feel tense, try the following; chamomile tea, soft music, scented candles, a hot bath or a massage.

8. Avoid over the counter and prescription sleep medications and alcohol. Although you may fall asleep, your sleep will not be gentle and natural. You will feel groggy in the morning.

9. If you are troubled by racing thoughts that just won't stop, get up and do something to keep yourself  occupied until the thoughts subside. They'll pass much more quickly this way.

10. If you just can't sleep, don't lie in the bed and toss and turn. Get up and do something until you are tired enough to sleep.

11. Get up at your predetermined time, no matter how tired you may feel.

12. Repeat the above steps until you are able to fail asleep on time and wake up rest. This will generally take 2-3 days.

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